Sunday, November 27, 2005

Random Stories from the Road

This past week was turkey week and I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I went to Dallas to see my family for the holiday, which provided me with a much needed break from Lubbock, though I missed it and the people so much. What I'm about to share is the random things I saw as I traveled to and from Dallas. I wanted to share this with y'all on Wednesday upon arriving in Garland, but my parent's internet was not working so it had to wait until now. Ok, let's get started...
It all started on Wednesday morning when I left Lubbock at 6:30 am (early I know, but I wanted to beat Dallas traffic). Though it was dark and cold, I enjoyed watching the sun rise and being able to see God's marvelous work by seeing the first rays of sunlight coming up and then looking a little higher in the sky and still being able to see the stars at the same time. It was GORGEOUS!!! The trip started like any other trip...the long boring trip along 84 to 20. As I was nearing Abilene I hit one of the many points of road construction (nothing new there). Unfortantely, I got stuff behind one of those "overload" trucks (well, actually the one that follows the overload and warns drivers they're about to pass an overloaded truck). I was thinking to myself, oh it's just another mobile home (cause that's what it usually is). As I begin to stare at the 18 wheeler in front of the back truck, I realize it isn't a house at all. So I start to wonder what is on the flatbed. Finally, we clear the construction and I pass the back truck and pull along side the 18 wheeler. As I approach and pass the flatbed, I look at the interesting cargo it is carrying...anyone wanna guess what it was, beat you can' was an airplane wing (not a little wing, but one for something like a 747). Now I know these parts have to be transported but I'd never seen one on 20 before. Ok, so this was the first random thing I saw this weekend. As I continued on my trip, I saw a couple of other things that were weird but really not worth describing here (if you really want to know just ask). I arrive in Dallas and am driving along 20, almost to 635. And of course I've come across more road construction, but this time there are no cones blocking a lane or big machines tearing up the road about, there is only 2 guys standing off on the shoulder who are trying to patch a pothole. Now, it's about 11-1130 and lunch time in Dallas, so there is quite a bit of traffic (though not bad yet). Know how they fixed it?? Are you ready for this??? One of them stood close to the line with a shovel in his hand with some ashfault in it that he quickly dumped in the whole and tried to smash it down before a car came by. As I drive by, I wonder why in the world they would stand there without blocking the lane cause the poor guy dumps the shovel quickly and pulls it back before smashing it down and all the time watching for cars to appear in the lane he's working on. (Dallas people are weird I know)
That all happened on Wednesday and as I returned to Lubbock today, I didn't think I could top those stories, but wouldn't you know it there were a couple of odd instances that arose. This time, I left at 900 (so not too early). The first odd moment came as I traveled across Dallas/Ft.Worth to where it combines with 30 t0 make 20 westbound. I'm in Ft. Worth and making good time (minus the wind...though DFW wind didn't compare with the wind we faced in Lubbock) when all of a sudden I look in my rear view mirror and see this truck coming up in the next lane that had a cone (one of the orange ones) stuck on the front of it. I had to take a double look just to make sure I wasn't seeing things and going crazy. But I wasn't it was really there. Now I don't know why it was there or if there was a good reason for it, cause it was a Ready Ice truck, but still it was quite odd. Speaking of things stuck to the grill/front of a vehicle, thanks to all the wind today on 84 and the countless poor soul passed me in a truck with a tumbleweed actually stuck in the grill (it wasn't moving). I thought it was rather funny and thought he should leave it and put Christmas lights on it (wouldn't that be an interesting site to see driving around Lubbock?).
There are more stories I could tell...but it's late and my bed is calling me. Night all! Hope everyone has a good week!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


i tagged you on my blog.


3:04 PM  

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