Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Christmas is now sadly done for another year. This Christmas turned out to quite relaxing and enjoyable. My sister, her husband, and my nieces came in from out of town on Christmas eve and spent the night. I was really exicted because I only see them usually once a year at Christmas. It's scary how fast little one's grow up. My nieces are 4 (nearly 5) and 9 (almost 10). I can remember when the day each was born. Besides seeing them I spent some quality time with my dad's side of the family and that experience turned out much better than expected. Overall, Christmas was great!

Since Christmas I been able to hang out with some amazing people, namely Sandra (yeah!!!) and last night I had dinner with the awesome Emily Bryant (hooray!!!!!). I miss all my Lubbock friends!! I can't wait to get back and spend some quality time with all of you next week!!! See ya'll soon!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

White Christmas

It's SNOWING in Dallas!!!!!!!!! I love the snow and was wishing for a white Christmas and now I get one!!!!! I pray everyone is having a marvelous time on their vacations. To those wondering when I be venturing back to Lubbock it will be on January 2nd. I pray everyone has a fun and joyous Christmas with their families. Always remember Jesus is the reason for the season!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Crazy Times

Hello All! I want to let everyone know I survived the drive to Dallas on Thursday morning. I left Lubbock (sniff sniff) at like 6:45 am and arrived in Dallas at about 12:30 pm. It was a long hard drive but I am enjoying my visit so far. I had lunch with my mom on Friday and then I went to see Miss Emily Bryant at her work (YEAH!!!!!!). How I have missed Emily! Every since then I have pretty much done nothing but sleep, watch tv and chill with the fam, shop (shop and shop some more), and see Ocean's 12. I pray everyone is having a nice break! I miss everyone! I want to say Congrats to Miss Rachel Cruz on graduating yesterday! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

The Long Awaited Return

Hello Everyone!!! I finally decided to return to the blogging world. YEAH!