Wednesday, July 09, 2008


With only three weeks left in Lubbock there are some many things going through my mind and on in my life.  The biggest struggle right now is trying to figure out how to pay for school next year.  Moving to London will cost an arm and a leg, but well worth the expense.  I thought I had everything figured out, unfortunately the loan credit denied my application without a cosigner.  This should not be a probably, since one would think their parents would want to support their children's dreams.  Apparently mine are the exception.  I sort of understand a little of their concerns, though I've proven to be the responsible, financially stable daughter so their concerns are unwarranted.  Ever since they told me no, I have been searching for ways around them.  I believe I have found a way, but it is going to take time to process.  Time is definitely not on my side, since I still have to apply for my visa.
Besides school stuff, I've began to sort through everything I've acquired over the past 7 1/2 years.  It's a strange feeling to divide one's property into keep and sell/give away.  In one night, I went from two closets full of clothes down to one (and I'm not finished yet).  I pretty much have to sell everything I own because there is not sense in storing my crap for the next 2-3 years.
The last thing I am excited/sad about is the fact I'm "kind of" interested in someone.  Since I'm leaving I am definitely not looking for any real relationship because I do not want to do the long distance thing (especially since I will be across the "pond" and he'd be at least a 10 hr flight away).  It would be nice though to have one last "fling" before I depart.  More than anything, I would not mind just spending more time getting to know this person (and if there happen to be some benefits, I'd be completely okay with that).
Well that is all I have for now.  Night all!
