Saturday, January 19, 2008

Blind Date

I've just returned from my first ever blind date. It was not something I was looking for all week, and it proved to be a really boring evening. I was forced to go on this "date" because my friend has decided I need to find someone since she is married and wants everyone to be happy. As much as I love my friend, the whole idea frustrated and enraged me. I do not want/need a relationship because I am leaving Lubbock within the next six months. In the time I do have left here, I am extremely busy with two jobs and 6 hours of class. Also, I've known for a while that God has called me to remain single while I'm in Lubbock because the man he has for me is not here. Therefore, I did not see any point in going out with anyone when nothing is meant to happen.

The original plan for tonight was to go dinner, but things changed today when a babysitter could not be procured for my friend's friend's children. So my friend decided to have everyone over to her house for dinner and games. The guy is the coworker of a friend's friend's husband. He was a relatively nice guy, but totally not my type. I tried to be friendly so as not to seem rude, but he kept following me around like a lost puppy. On top of that, he lost big points within the first 5 minutes by telling the boys (aged 2, 6, and 7) to get out of the kitchen because it is the women's domain. [For those that don't know it, this comment is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves! Don't get me wrong I love to cook and don't mind doing it, but it pisses me off when people (especially men) say that women belong in the kitchen!] Then he kept trying to put his arm around me (or at least it seemed as if he was) during dinner, which freaked me out because I don't even know this person. Overall it was an experience I never want to go through again. And unfortunately the guy has my number so now I'm going to have to find a way to let him down easily, especially since he could not get the hint.