Wednesday, January 11, 2006

New Semester, New Life

It's the start of a new semester and for that means it's time for a change. While relaxing in Dallas I reflected on last semester and everything I went through. I thought about my friendships and relationship with God. Last semester was hard for me, not because of class or work, but I went through a very long and challenging dry period in my walk. I know it was my own fault, but I also realized those in my life that are suppose to be encouragers and care about other's wellbeings didn't really seem to care. It seems a lot of my friendships from last semester didn't seem real, they were only surface relationships. This is sad I know, since we're called to be of one body in Christ we need to be real with each other. If we can't be open and honest with others then how are we to reach others in the world. The world needs to see Christ in us and by creating friendships with them and they need to be REAL relationships. It's time for a change. So this semester I'm praying for a change and going to try to be real with my friends and seek to be with only real people. Unfortuantely that means leaving a few friends behind, but I'm tired of the fakeness and one-sided relationships.