Tuesday, December 20, 2005


In a few short hours I will be leaving for Dallas for Christmas. Though I dislike like the city, I can't wait to get out of Lubbock for a while. It will be a must needed break and a time to put things in perspective. Nothing like distance and family/friends to help you short things out. So if anyone actually reads this and needs me call the cell, cause I almost always have it on. I may or maynot be back in Lubbock for New Years, if anything is going on let me know! Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Year if I don't see you!

It's off to bed I go cause 6 am comes rather early.


1. seven things to do before I die:
travel around the world
write a historical fiction
live in Europe
get married and have kids
run a museum or historical cite
go skiing
visit major historical cites in Europe

2. Seven things I cannot (or won't?) do:
stop listening to country
live in dallas for the rest of my life
compromise my faith
public speaking
forget about the people i truly care about
see 20/20
answer question number three

3. Seven things that attract me to my wife (or significant other or best friend):I'm with Emily on this one, sorry not answering!

4. Seven things I say most often:
"i don't have a heater (in the car)."
"i don't care."
"whatever your heart desires."
"bring it on"
"i hate paper writing"

5. Seven books (or series) I love:
Harry Potter
Redeeming Love
All Philippa Gregory books-british author who has several series
When Dreams Come True
Lord of the Rings
Nick Hornby-another british author
Sherlock Holmes

6. Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would watch over and over again if I had the time):
White Christmas
Singing in the Rain
10 Things I Hate About You
Sweet Home Alabama
Harry Potter-all of them
Lord of the Rings-all of them
The Italian Job

7. Seven people I want to join in, too: